Industry Affiliates

Goal: To establish meaningful collaborative partnerships to advance theory and practice of trustworthy AI

Early access to cutting-edge research: Receive early exposure to ongoing results through direct contact with ASSET researchers

Knowledge exchange: Join our weekly seminar, informal reading groups, and campus visits to learn more about innovations in trustworthy AI

Recruiting: Build connections to talented and highly motivated undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students for internships and full-time jobs

Industry day: Annual day-long workshop to bring together researchers from Penn and industry affiliates

Acknowledgement: On ASSET website and promotional material

Annual fee of $20,000 for members-only access to research, recruiting, and relationships

    • Discounted rate of $2,000 available to early-stage start ups

Goal: To set up a pathway for PhD/post-doctoral students to work on research problems of mutual interest

Flexible Options:

  • Faculty pitch whitepapers on topics of their interest, and industry chooses the ones matching their needs
  • Industry affiliate proposes a research challenge of their interest, and ASSET finds faculty/students of matching interest
  • Unrestricted gift to ASSET

Typical funding amount: $100,000 for one year to support one PhD student

Goal: To connect industry researchers with highly motivated and talented Penn students interested in learning about AI beyond coursework


  • Undergraduate students: Pitch and mentor senior thesis projects (typically teams of 2-4 students over the course of their senior year)
  • Masters students: Pitch and mentor semester-long independent study projects
  • PhD students: external committee members on thesis committees
  • Summer internships

The ASSET Center is proud to receive Amazon Web Service’s support for our doctoral students engaged in research in trustworthy AI.